Kayla McDougall PT at Cornwall Physiotherapy

Physiotherapist Spotlight: Kayla McDougall

pt HealthSpotlight


Clinician spotlights are some of our favourite posts and with so many wonderful, enthusiastic, and passionate people working at our clinics across the country, how could we not love turning the spotlight on them? For us, spotlights are a great chance to introduce these great team members and give them a platform to share what they love about their careers.

Today, we’re turning the spotlight on Kayla, a physiotherapist at Cornwall Physiotherapy, in Cornwall, Ontario. Kayla’s passion for reading and continually improving herself is contagious; we’re sure you’ll feel inspired to pick up a book after reading her spotlight!

Education: Master’s of Physiotherapy from University of Ottawa, Bachelor of Kinesiology from Queen’s University, Certificate in Stroke Rehabilitation from University of Alberta

Clinic: Cornwall Physiotherapy pt Health

Area of focus: Manual Therapy, Exercise Prescription, and Pain Science/Education

Motto or Personal Mantra: 
In life: “People will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou
In physiotherapy: Never stop learning

What drew you to pt Health originally? 
I was initially drawn to pt Health because it allows me to work with a strong interdisciplinary team which I thought was great immediately after graduation. Regular interactions with our clinic’s massage therapists, physiotherapists, naturopathic doctors, and physiotherapy assistants has allowed me to learn and grow more.

I also was drawn to the fact that pt Health really emphasized ongoing learning, which is perfect for me, since my family jokes that I am a “forever student.”

What’s your average day like?
I usually get up early and do a little bit of reading (either research articles or fiction) while eating breakfast, before heading to work. At work, I’ll usually see around 15 patients per day – with a variety of injuries – either workplace injuries, car accidents, sports injuries or musculoskeletal conditions. After work, I’ll either go to the gym or take the dog for a walk on one of the trails near my house, before winding down for the night.

How long have you worked at pt Health?
I’ve been with pt Health for 3 and a half years as a physiotherapist.

What is one of your favourite stories of how you helped a patient?
2 years ago, a patient of mine was in a severe car accident resulting in multiple fractures at one of her lower extremities, requiring many surgeries to stabilize her injuries. Shortly after her release from the hospital and respite care, we started seeing her at the clinic and she was coming into our clinic in a wheelchair at the time. With lots of hard work and exercise on her part, her physiotherapy and massage therapy treatments, she’s now back to work, walking independently, and soon to be signing up at a local gym to be able to continue her exercise regimen. We’ve had many laughs and she’s jokingly called me plenty of names when I’d make her do something challenging, but she’s achieved her goals and has taught me a lot along the way.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I do a lot of reading – last year I read 59 books, and I’m on track to do the same this year.


If you’re looking to work in an interdisciplinary clinic setting that offers plenty of learning and growth opportunities, check out our careers page for listings near you. Join the pt Health team!

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