shoveling snow

5 tips for safely shoveling snow

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

While the snow may look beautiful, it can come with an increased risk of injury for the many Canadians who shovel each year. From twisting the body to trying to move too much all at one time, strains and sprains from snow shoveling can affect daily activities.  Check out these tips to help reduce the risk of injury while you …

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Tips to help you clear up brain fog

Sarah MacdonaldOccupational Therapy

Have you ever felt like your mind is clouded and not as sharp as it used to be? You might be experiencing brain fog. Brain fog is a common term used to describe how people feel when their thinking is sluggish and unclear. What is brain fog? Brain fog affects your ability to think. You might find it more difficult …

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How to get ready for ski season

pt HealthPhysiotherapy, Sports Physiotherapy

If you love skiing or snowboarding, you’re probably ecstatic to see snow show up in the weather forecast. Snow sports are a great way to stay fit during the winter months, stave off the seasonal blues and enjoy the great outdoors. However, like any sport, skiing and snowboarding come with a risk of injury. Here are five simple tips to …

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Toilet habits to protect your pelvic floor

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

Chances are, you don’t think too much about using the bathroom! More than likely, you’ve just gone when you need to, without much thought, unless a bladder or bowel issue comes up. Your pelvic floor plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. From supporting your organs to aiding in bladder and bowel control, these muscles have very …

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Heat or ice, which should you use?

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

If you’ve ever wondered whether you should apply heat or ice to alleviate muscle soreness, check out this heat vs ice reference guide. It demonstrates how ice and heat work to ease discomfort, how they can be applied safely and when to use them. Click on the image below to access the downloadable guide! Additional tips for using heat and …

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What are orthotics and how can they help?

pt HealthPhysiotherapy

Have you ever wondered what orthotics are or how they can help? Paul Mäkinen, a Lifemark Certified Pedorthist, recently joined me and interested members of the community for a webinar about foot orthotics. From the basics of foot orthotics, to how they can help address and treat various types of pain and foot conditions, the webinar provided an excellent opportunity for participants …

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Therapeutic touch: how different forms of massage therapy can help

pt HealthMassage Therapy

Massage therapy promotes healing by acting on the muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems in the body. It offers many therapeutic physical, mental, and emotional benefits including improving circulation and reducing swelling, decreasing muscle stiffness to promote relaxation and stress relief while reducing pain. It is often used as a valuable component of treatment for various health conditions such as back …

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Can you get injured raking leaves?

pt HealthOccupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Sports Physiotherapy

Fall means beautiful foliage, but it also means we have to clean up those leaves as they cover our gardens and lawns. Raking leaves is a great way to get outside and do some light exercise. However, it can also mean tired, aching muscles or even a back injury that could put you out of commission for days. Avoid injuring yourself …

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Running to the Bathroom and Not the Finish Line?

pt HealthPhysiotherapy, Sports Physiotherapy

Did you know that more than 40% of female runners report leaking during running or other high-impact activities? As common as it is to suffer from incontinence while running, it shouldn’t be happening. Many suffer in silence, or try to hide the embarrassing wetness, but it can be resolved! Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is an involuntary loss of urine associated with an …

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