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Tendonitis and Tendinosis

Tendonitis and Tendinosis

What is Tendonitis?

Tendonitis (also called tendinitis) is the irritation or inflammation of the tendons (thick fibrous tissues that attach muscle to bone).

“Itis” is Latin for inflammation; therefore, the word tendonitis literally translates to the inflamed tendon.

Tendonitis can occur in many parts of the body and is known by other names such as “tennis elbow,” “golfer’s elbow,” “pitcher’s shoulder,” or “jumper’s knee.”

Causes | Symptoms | Treatment | Prevention

You have tendons throughout your body, even ones that connect to tiny muscles in the face and throat. However, tendonitis and tendonosis typically happen in areas where there are more significant amounts of movement.

The most common types of tendonitis and tendonosis are:

A tendon is a thick fibrous band of tissues that attach muscles to bones.

You can think of them like an elastic band, in that they stretch when you move your joints to accommodate the movement. They also help to absorb some of the shocks from your muscles when they move.

The most significant differences between tendonitis and tendonosis are onset, duration, and symptoms:

  • Tendonosis (also called tendinosis) is a long-lasting, chronic, and recurring condition that happens as a result of repetitive strain or an injury that hasn’t healed properly. Because of the long-term nature of tendonosis, there is rarely any inflammation, redness or swelling as a symptom. Instead, you may have more degenerative changes to the tendon such as abnormal blood vessel growth.
  • Tendonitis is a sudden, acute, and short-term injury to the tendon. You may experience pain, inflammation, redness and swelling in the area. Tears and damage to the muscle are typically more pronounced.

Tendonitis typically is caused by a sudden injury to a tendon, usually from blunt force, such as landing a jump the wrong way.

Tendonosis is caused by overuse, repetitive strain, or repeated injuries to the same area. Some other risk factors include:

  • Increased age
  • Overloading a joint
  • Trauma: bumping or hitting against an object
  • “Weekend warriors”
  • Diabetes
  • Inflammatory diseases like gout and rheumatoid arthritis

Tendonitis and tendonosis share many of the same symptoms with the exception that tendonitis is often associated with redness, inflammation and swelling of the injured area, whereas tendonosis is not.

Symptoms of both include:

  • Tender, painful, or stiff joint
  • Pain that gets worse when you move the joint
  • Decreased range of motion when you move the joint
  • A grating or crackling sensation when you move the joint
  • A lump along the tendon

Concerned about symptoms of tendonitis or tendonosis? Find a physiotherapist near you and book an assessment today.

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Tendonitis and tendonosis can be treated at home and in a clinical setting.

To ease the pain of both conditions, and the inflammation and swelling of tendonitis, you can:

  • Rest
  • Avoid activities
  • Gently massage the affected joint
  • Gently stretch the affected joint
  • Use anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to ease the pain
  • Apply ice (tendonitis)

Physiotherapy for Tendonitis and Tendonosis

A pt Health physiotherapist will assess your tendonitis or tendonosis and identify underlying causes.

Depending on the cause of your tendonitis or tendonosis and the joint affected, physiotherapy can include:

  • Functional retraining and activity modifications
  • Strengthening and range of motion exercises
  • Manual therapy (joint and soft tissue mobilizations)
  • Personalized exercise plan
  • An assistive device, orthotics, or splinting
  • Pain relieving modalities such as:
    • Therapeutic ultrasound
    • Heat and ice therapy
    • Electrical stimulation

Can Tendonitis or Tendonosis Go Away on Their Own?

Yes, if successfully treated at home, tendonitis can go away on its own.

However, if it’s not treated correctly, tendonitis can turn into tendonosis. Without treatment or activity modification, tendonosis is unlikely to go away on its own.

If you have increased tendonitis and tendonosis risk (you play sports, or your job involves repetitive movements), speak to your physiotherapist about your specific therapeutic needs.

However, you can take steps to avoid tendonitis and tendonosis, including:

  • Ease into new exercise routines
  • Warm up before exercise
  • Stretch after exercise
  • Wear supportive footwear
  • Take regular breaks from repetitive movements
  • Practice good posture
  • Practice good technique in sport

Book a Physiotherapist Consult for Tendonitis or Tendonosis Today

Concerned about symptoms of tendonitis or tendonosis? Find a physiotherapist near you and book an assessment today.

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