Virtual Physiotherapy Spotlight: Georgi Trifonov

Kirsten RoesinkPhysiotherapy, Spotlight, Virtual Care

Are you looking to continue your rehabilitative treatment while practicing social distancing and self-isolating?

Good news! pt Health now offers virtual physiotherapy, giving you the opportunity to receive treatment from the comfort of your own home through video conference technology.

Wondering how virtual physiotherapy works? In this Spotlight, we’ll share some first hand information from one of our physiotherapists with you.

Georgi Trifonov, Physiotherapist at Belmead Physical Therapy – pt Health in Edmonton, has been offering virtual physiotherapy for the past few weeks.

Today, we’re talking to Georgi about his experience with this new service so far.

Q: Tell us about the type of treatments you can provide through virtual care.

A: Virtual Care is a great tool to provide patient care when in-person patient interaction isn’t possible.

Through virtual care, we can still assess and treat patients effectively. We are there for patients when it comes to providing education and advice, prescribing and tracking an exercise program, which we can easily modify based on patient progress. Patients have the option to have equipment shipped to their residence, if they require it as part of their rehabilitation.

We can even teach our patients to perform certain manual therapy techniques at home. 

We’ve seen the benefit of virtual care in all streams, including MVA and WCB.

Q: What has the patient experience been like with virtual care?

A: I have received very positive feedback from patients so far. Patients are happy that they’re able to continue their physiotherapy progress in these times of physical distancing. It’s also very convenient to be able to receive physiotherapy from the comfort of your own home.

Q: Can you share your favourite story of how you helped a patient with virtual care?

A: One story that comes to mind right away is of a patient of mine who told me that the virtual care treatments help her both physically and mentally, while she is self-isolating at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Her pain levels have decreased since she started treatment, and being physically active at home is helping her manage her anxiety.

Learn More Or Book Today

If you’d like more information about virtual care or would like to book a virtual care appointment, please visit our Virtual Care page or call us at 1-888-314-2726.

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