Jason M. Hart Massage Therapist

Massage Therapist Spotlight: Jason Hart

pt HealthSpotlight


For this spotlight we’re heading out to the East Coast. Meet Jason Hart, a passionate massage therapist at Cole Harbour, located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Find out what it’s like to be an MT in Nova Scotia, why he endures old man jokes and one really surprising fact!

Name: Jason M. Hart
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology, Diploma in Massage Therapy
Clinic(s): Cole Harbour Integrated Health, Dartmouth NS

Area of focus: I use a lot of fascial techniques. I also put great focus on finding out what is causing the patient’s physical imbalance. Is it posture related? A result of certain activities? Or is it their job or the way they’re sleeping or even just wearing inappropriate footwear? Whatever the reason, it needs to be understood so proper home care can be assigned.

Motto or Personal Mantra: Always choose to try! If you don’t try, you’ll never accomplish anything.

What drew you to pt Health?
Well in 2008, pt Health bought the clinic I worked at. When I graduated massage therapy school, many of my classmates wanted to open up their own clinics. But, I have always wanted to work at an interdisciplinary clinic. I believe a patient benefits from a multidisciplinary approach to health.

What’s your average day like?
BUSY! I work between 6 and 10 hours a day. In between patients I call insurance adjusters, write reports to physicians, eat, complete patient charts, and endure the old man jokes of my co-workers.

How long have you worked at pt Health?
I have been at pt Health since 2008 but have been a registered massage therapist since 1999. Hence the old man jokes.

What is one of your favourite stories of how you helped a patient?
So many to choose from but one unique story happened about 10yrs ago. A patient of mine was suffering from acute Achalasia, which is a dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter. The patient was unable to move food through their esophagus into the stomach. She was literally starving and asked if I could help. While also contemplating surgery, she came in 3 times per week initially for treatment. I performed diaphragm release and fascial techniques of the abdominal/pelvic area that opened her esophageal sphincter allowing food to pass. The patient eventually only needed to visit every 10-14 days. While she ultimately chose to undergo surgery, this experience broadened my understanding and built confidence in my abilities as a therapist.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I guess most people don’t know that I’m a twin. What is interesting is that we were born on different days. I was born 5 minutes to midnight on April 5th while my sister was born 6 minutes after midnight on April 6th.


Looking to join an interdisciplinary clinic team like Jason’s? Check out our career page for openings near you!

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