Virtual Physiotherapy Spotlight: Cameron Wong

Kirsten RoesinkPhysiotherapy, Spotlight, Virtual Care

Are you looking to continue your rehabilitative treatment while practicing physical distancing and self-isolating?

Good news! pt Health now offers virtual physiotherapy, giving you the opportunity to receive treatment from the comfort of your own home through video conference technology.

Wondering how virtual physiotherapy works? In this Spotlight, we’ll share some first hand information from one of our physiotherapists with you.

Cameron Wong, Physiotherapist at Burnaby Physiotherapy and Hand Therapy – pt Health has been offering virtual physiotherapy here for the past few weeks.

Today, we’re talking to Cameron about his experience with this service so far.

Q: Tell us about the type of treatments you can provide through virtual physiotherapy.

A: Through virtual care, we can provide education and advice on your current injury.

We can then run through 1 on 1 exercise sessions for specific routines including strengthening/ stretching exercises to help with your symptoms.

Finally, we can come up with a treatment plan on how we can tackle the problem together and how we can track your progress.

Q: What has the patient experience been like with virtual care?

A: So far my experience with virtual care has been great! It has really emphasized how much can be done through advice and exercise alone.

So much of our practice relies on hands-on therapy, but we often forget that one of our greatest assets as therapists is the education we can provide as well as encouraging proper movement.

Q: Can you share your favourite story of how you helped a patient with virtual care?

A: One patient that I’ve never met in person before did a session with me for her arm and shoulder pain.

After only two sessions over two weeks, we were able to help reduce her symptoms back to where she was able to carry on with her daily routine! That was truly satisfying knowing that I was able to build a rapport and help someone without any physical interaction.

Learn More Or Book Today

If you’d like more information about virtual care or would like to book a virtual care appointment, please visit our Virtual Care page or call us at 1-888-314-2726.

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